The Wisdom Of Father Brown

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The Wisdom Of Father Brown is an amazing series written by Sir G. K. Chesterton. In this collection of tales, Father Brown solves the crimes of an unidentified thief named Mr. Glass, a bandit attack, a man who backs out of a duel, a murderer whose description changes depending on which witness describes him, an escaped prisoner, a blackmailer with a crooked nose, a man who stubbornly refuses to take off his purple wig, and a doomed family of aristocrats. But how will Father Brown solve this mystery? How will he deal with this scary criminal, Mr. Glass? These twelve short stories feature the priest Father Brown and his friend Inspector Flambeau. In some respects similar to Poirot, Father Brown uses observation and thought to find solutions, but does it in a humble and unassuming way. To read about these mysterious stories which are cleverly solved by Father Brown, readers should go through this novel!
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  • ISBN/Varenr: 9789357273473
  • Utgivelsesdato: 03.01.2023
  • Utgivelsesår: 2023
  • Forlag: Repro Books Limited
  • Innbinding: Heftet
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Personer: Chesterton, G K
  • Litteraturtype: Skjønnlitteratur
  • Emne: Fiction / Mystery/ Detective
  • Målgruppe: Voksne
  • Aldersgrense: 0
  • Opplag: 0
  • Utgave: 0
  • Illustrert: Nei
  • Sider: 186