Gutter Road / You Can't Stop Me

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If only Fred Bauman hadn't stopped that rainy night and offered the young woman a ride, his life wouldn't be such a hell now. How was he to know that Joanne was working a con on him when she enticed him in the front seat of his car? Now he's paying more blackmail than he can afford to keep her from crying rape. Fred certainly doesn't want his wife Ethel to find out about his crazy indiscretion. But what he doesn't know is that Ethel has issues of her own. To stave off sexual boredom, she keeps a hidden bottle of vodka for her afternoons, dreaming of a man who can offer her some excitement of her own. Joanne's simple con sets the wheels in motion, and they're all heading down a road that will change their lives forever.


When Lou Andreas is a teenager, filled with the lust of youth, all he wants to do is lose his virginity. But his first experience is a fiasco, and the young prostitute berates him for his failure. Filled with rage, Andreas finds another prostitute, and kills her. After that, sex and death become all mixed up in his head. He kills only prostitutes, but it becomes a compulsion. Then he meets Tony, and for a while Andreas knows what it's like to have a normal relationship. She is everything he could want in a woman. But Marian makes the mistake of falling in love-she wants marriage, which is the last thing on Andreas' mind. And besides, there are so many more streetwalkers who need killing...

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  • ISBN/Varenr: 9798886010251
  • Utgivelsesdato: 21.04.2023
  • Utgivelsesår: 2023
  • Forlag: Repro Books Limited
  • Innbinding: Heftet
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Personer: Silverberg, Robert
  • Litteraturtype: Skjønnlitteratur
  • Emne: Fiction / Mystery/ Detective
  • Målgruppe: Voksne
  • Aldersgrense: 0
  • Opplag: 0
  • Utgave: 0
  • Illustrert: Nei
  • Sider: 232